Guide: Mental Health Resources in Singapore

Who do I seek help from?

Taking the first step to seek help can feel extra daunting when faced with the array of therapeutic modalities (medication vs psychotherapy/counselling) as well as mental health professionals. There is no “one” cure for all — there are significant overlaps and symbiosis between the different professions, and treatment approaches can also be used independently or in tandem depending on the individual.

What is most important to find who makes you feel the most comfortable with, and whom you can consult in a sustainable manner (i.e., costs and schedule). It may take time and a few tumbles to get there, but do not give up. Do remember to be kind to yourself through the process! Trying an approach that allows for learning and experimentation can also create more space for a journey that is steadier, positive, and forgiving.

Useful links to start with

🎧 Intro to Mental Health by SG Explained

Mental Health: A Practical Guide to Seeking Help in Singapore by @illobyanngee

💸 Mental Health Issues: Subsidies Available And How To Navigate Through The Financial Costs by Seedly

Common questions

What are the costs and subsidies available?

Singaporeans and permanent residents (PRs) are eligible for subsidised treatment in public hospitals. These require first obtaining a letter of referral from a polyclinic and are usually subject to longer waiting times. Referral letters are not required for private psychiatrists unless for specific health policies.

Can you claim Medisave for psychiatric treatment?

MediSave can be used for inpatient psychiatric treatment, subject to a $150/day withdrawal limit and limited to $5,000 a year. Under the MediSave500 scheme, you can also use up to $500 per Medisave account for 20 chronic diseases including major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, dementia and anxiety, subject to a 15% co-payment in cash.

Where can I find a list of networks and resources?

You can find a list of community networks and resources, mental health networks and resources, mutual aid initiatives on our TWB Community Page.

For a wonderfully comprehensive list of resources and treatment roadmaps, do check out The Homecoming Club.

Have some resources to share? Mail it to us!



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